Smart classes highest priority is customer's data security. Your data is 100% secure at our server. No data will be leak or shared from our end to anybody.
No, You can start using the software as you do payment.
Yes, Mobile app is available for android & IOS smart phones.
Android 6.0+ version required to access android mobile app. IOS 14.3+ version required to access IOS mobile app
Yes, Mobile app is available for android & IOS smart phones.
Android 6.0+ version required to access android mobile app. IOS 14.3+ version required to access IOS mobile app
Yes, you can control student account access rights.
Student can not do registration from standard mobile app. If you are using branded student mobile app then student can do registration from your mobile app too.
No, Student can not purchase courses from mobile app directly. You have to share courses with students manually.
Yes, You can change your profile details.
Yes, you can upload it and it will be display on fee receipt too.
You can download from Menu "Setting >> My Plan"
You can see your plan detail from menu "Setting >> My Plan" and also renew your from from same screen.
You can see your sms balance detail and you can also purchase SMS from menu "Setting >> SMS Plan"
You can create year (Financial or Academic year) and manage your all coaching classes data year wise. This will help you to track your growth and at a same time you can have your year wise data history.
You can apply for your required standard (grades) and subjects from support ticket and we will add that standards or subjects in your account.
In you coaching institute, It may possible you have different courses and its different fees for same standard students. So you can create your courses as per your fee system and assign that course to students.
No, You just need to setup course entry one time. In future if you start new course in your institute then only you have to add new course.
No, you just need to setup class or batch one time only. In future if you start new class or batch then you have to create it.
Yes, Students & staff can see their time table.
Yes, You can manage your taxes and fee receipt will be generate accordingly.
Yes, You can create your institutes all staffs and teachers.
Once you do staff registration than system auto generate their Id, password. You can see that Id, password from manage staff screen and also send Id,password by SMS.
Yes, you can assign screen rights to staff so staff can only access those assigned screen.
Once you assign screen or menu rights to staff than you can also manage each screen wise action rights. So staff can only perform assigned action. This will give more security on your institute data.
Yes, you can take staff attendance as per time table setup. If you not setup time table then you can not take staff attendance.
Yes, You can manage all inquiry data and its calling or followup history.
Yes, System will remind you by notification for inquiry followup.
Yes, You can upload your all students by excel file.
Once you do student registration then system automatically generate student ID, password.
You can send all student's ID, password by SMS.
You can deactivate that student. Student then can not login and use your features. In report you can see that student history but in daily activity process, that student will not be appear.
All data of that students will be delete permanently. You will never get back that student's data again.
Yes, You can assign more than one class or batch to students.
Yes, You can.
Yes, you can select add-on bio-metric attendance service and after then take attendance from bio-metric device. This service will cost you extra.
Yes, You can share.
Yes, student can submit.
Yes, you can.
Yes, you can.
Yes, Student can login in multiple device at same time because parents also use the same Id,password to login in the app.
You can block the device so student can not login from that device again.
Yes, you have to create new fee structure every year.
Yes, you can give discount to students.
Yes, you can take any fee amount.
Yes, you can take fees in installment too.
Yes, you can generate fee receipt with or without tax.
Yes, you can.
You can not edit any receipt. You can delete the receipt and regenerate the receipt.
Yes, you can select add-on feature of payment gateway integration & then student can do payment online. This service will cost you extra.
Yes, you can manage all manual exam and students marks and that will track student exam performance.
Yes, you can take online MCQ exam.
Yes, you can upload all questions of a exam paper by excel file.
Yes, you can.
Yes, student can see their result and review all question and answer after exam.
Yes, You can.
Yes you can take live classes on virtual classroom platform. You can have features live two way audio, video, chat communication, whiteboard, screen share, session recording, document presentation, video presentation.
Normal 4G internet is required.
Yes, you can use live classes from smart phone, tablet, laptop or desktop.
Yes, you can.
Every system or technology has limitation. You can add 40-60 students in a single online class. You can add more then 60 students but its may create perforamce issue and It will depends on student's device quality, internet speed & It will also depends on which features you are using virtual classroom.
Yes, you can record the live class & it will be available for next 5 days. so student can see the previous classes. After 5 days recorded session will be deleted automatically.
All live class available only for 5 days & after 5 days, It will get deleted. If we upgrade the server or live class system then also old recording will not be available. Its a system limitation.
You can only download video format. Other activity is not possible to download.
Tell you students, not to use video and audio features. Just tell them to see you online and listen you. This will help you to perform more smoother live class.
It is necessary to use headphone for all when you take live classes. Then your echo sound issue will be resolved.
Yes, you can.
Yes, you can.
Yes, you can upload but for that you need to purchase extra storage space.
Yes, you can upload single video upto 2 GB of maximum size.
Yes, default you get 500 mb free space. You can purchase additional storage space as per your requirement.
No. Mobile app has security features that restrict recording of video recording.
If you integrate video from YouTube, Google drive or any other platform then it will be shareable but if you upload video directly on our platform then students can not download or share video.
No, Document will be download first & then use so we have no such features that restrict student to see only app & not download.
Yes, you can.
Yes, you can manage all your coaching institutes expenses.
You can manage staff salary as an expense.
Yes, you can.
Yes , you can.
You can send SMS & notification of all coaching classes activity.
You can see all the reports of student management, attendance, fee, exam, expense & performance.