18 Ready To Use Text Message (SMS) Templates for Schools, Colleges, Tuition & Coaching Classes

18 Ready To Use Text Message (SMS) Templates for Schools, Colleges, Tuition & Coaching Classes
Education 16 Dec 2021 12:29 129286

Communication with students & parents is very important for schools, tuition classes or coaching Institute. School or educational institute have to send daily activity text message (SMS) to students & parents like registration message, admission confirm message, attendance message, fee collection & reminder message, exam reminder message, exam marks & performance messages, emergency alert messages, event messages, online class reminder message and many more. 

Schools, colleges, tuition classes or coaching institutes staff are not skilled enough to design quality text message format for everyday activity bases that why we Smart Classes Software decided to design ready to use text message (SMS) templates for Schools, colleges, tuition classes or coaching institutes. This will make life easy for educational institute staff. 

Lets look at, 18 Ready To Use Text Message (SMS) Templates for Schools, Colleges, Tuition classes & Coaching Classes

New Batch Starts Text Message (SMS) Templates

Dear {Student Name}, New batch are going to start from {Date & Time} at {Institute Name}. Confirm your admission before it too late. 

{Institute Name}

New Admission Starts Text Message (SMS) Templates

Dear {Student Name}, Admission process has been started for academic year {Academic Year} at {Institute Name}. Confirm your admission before it too late. 

{Institute Name}

Student's Admission Inquiry Welcome Text Message (SMS) Templates

Dear {Student Name}, Thank you for your admission inquiry at {Institute Name}. Our staff will help you for all admission related process. 

{Institute Name}

Student's Admission Registration Confirm Text Message (SMS) Templates

Dear {Student Name}, Welcome to {Institute Name}, Your admission has been confirm.

{Institute Name}

Student's Mobile App Login Detail Text Message (SMS) Templates

Dear {Student Name}, Your login details for {Institute Name} Academy is: User Id: {userid} Password: {password} , download app from https://bit.ly/3cRW7dj

{Institute Name}

Student's Birthday Wish Text Message (SMS) Templates

Dear {Student Name}, "Wish you many happy returns of the day. May God bless you with health, wealth and prosperity in your life. Happy Birthday to You!" 

{Institute Name}

Student's Attendance Absent Alert Text Message (SMS) Templates

Alert From {Institute Name}
{Student Name} was absent today for the batch that starts at 11:30 AM. 

{Institute Name}

Student's Attendance Performance Status Text Message (SMS) Templates

Dear {Student Name}, Your average attendance is 60%. Total classes - 100, Present - 60 and absent - 40. 

{Institute Name}

Student's Fee Received Intimation Text Message (SMS) Templates

Dear {Student Name}, Your fee amount 1000 has been received on 10-April-2017. Total fee amount - 5000, Total received amount - 1000, Total pending amount - 4000.

{Institute Name}

Student's Fee Due Reminder Text Message (SMS) Templates

Dear {Student Name}, Your fee payment is due. This is friendly reminder to submit it and ignore it if you already process it. Total pending amount is 5000 and due Installment amount is 1000.

{Institute Name}

Student's Fee Status Text Message (SMS) Templates

Dear {Student Name}, Your fee status is: Total fees amount - 5000, Total received amount - 1000, Total pending amount - 4000.

{Institute Name}

Student's Exam Scheduled Text Message (SMS) Templates

Dear {Student Name}, New exam has been scheduled for {Subject Name} on 10-April-2017.

{Institute Name}

Student's Exam Absent Alert Text Message (SMS) Templates

{Student Name} was absent on 10-April-2017 for {Subject Name} exam.

{Institute Name}

Student's Exam Marks Intimation Text Message (SMS) Templates

Dear {Student Name}, You have got 90 out of 100 for the {Subject Name} exam conducted on 10-April-2017

{Institute Name}

Student's Online Exam Schedule Intimation Text Message (SMS) Templates

Dear {Student Name}, New online exam has been assigned to you for {Subject Name} and need to attend between 10-April-2017 to 13-April-2017.

{Institute Name}

Student's Online Exam Marks Intimation Text Message (SMS) Templates

Dear {Student Name}, You have got 90 out of 100 for the online exam conducted on 10-April-2017 of {Subject Name}.

{Institute Name}

Student's Average Performance Intimation Text Message (SMS) Templates

Dear {Student Name},  Here is your overall exam performance status. Mathematics - 80% (7 exam attended out of 10), Biology - 60% (10 exam attended out of 10)

{Institute Name}

Student's Homework Or Assignment Share Intimation Text Message (SMS) Templates

Dear {Student Name},  New document for homework has been shared with you.

{Institute Name}

Student's Digital Course Share Intimation Text Message (SMS) Templates

Dear {Student Name}, New digital course videos on {topic} has been shared with you.

{Institute Name}

Student's Online Class Schedule Intimation Text Message (SMS) Templates

Dear {Student Name}, New online class has been scheduled and shared with you.

{Institute Name}


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